F2F Class Notes 18th December (Peter)


Who with you goes there – who goes there with you?


Firecrackers – a loud, smoking firework (鞭炮)

Ex. Chinese New Year is famous for its firecrackers.

To make arrangements – to make plans to do something, to make it possible for something to happen

Ex. You look really sick, I’m going to make arrangements for you to see a doctor today.

Weaving – to make cloth by putting strings between each other.

Ex. The Middle East is famous for its woven (adjective) carpets.

Strings – the thinnest line of cloth

Ex. He used a piece of string to tie the note to the bird’s foot.

Mosque – the place where Muslims gather to pray

Ex. The Pudong mosque hosts a market every Friday.

Butcher – the man who cuts and sells animal meat for a career

Ex. The butcher at the mosque’s Friday market usually sells Lamb.

Cleaver – a long, rectangular knife normally used by butchers

Ex. The cleaver is a butcher’s main tool.

Rectangle – a shape similar to a square, bu two sides are longer, 长方型.

Ex. Cleaver’s are knives that are shaped like rectangles.

Tibet – a province of Southwest China that wishes to be separate,西藏

Ex. The people of Tibet are ethnically different from the Han.

Ethnicity – ethnic minority, 少数民族

Ex. The international community is not familiar with China’s ethnic minorities.

Nationality – citizenship, country of passport

Ex. The Uyghur, although ethnically different from the Han, are also Chinese by nationality,


Mosque (mosk)

Tibet (tih-BET)