F2F Class Notes 18th April (Celeste)


bride – woman getting married

groom – man getting married

photographer/s ( fuh – taw – grah – fer ) n. – person who takes pictures

The bride’s family went to the train station to pick us up to take us to the hotel.

The hotel was average (ah – very – rij ) / typical ( tip – pik – ull ) / common / ordinary ( OR din airee). 

I will let my father plan the seating chart for my wedding in Hangzhou.

Who sits where? 

Michel does not have a large or big family / a lot of family members / a lot of relatives.

hang out with friends

go on a date with boyfriend/girlfriend

coincidence ( kuh – win – si – dinss) – when 2 or more people meet at the same time but they didn’t plan to meet

eg. It was a coincidence that Suzy and Celeste went to the same restaurant at the same time.

2 weeks ago Michel’s friends from France came to Shanghai to see/visit us.

They said my English is better than before.