F2F Class Notes 16th March (Jesse)


foreigners = wai guo ren
eg. there are many foreigners at wagas

the environment is really noisy but the coffee is good

wang ji – i can’t remember / i forgot 

poor = mei you qian de ren
rich = you qian
poorly = do something not well
poor = ke lian de
eg. I miss my boyfriend. Poor me.
eg2. I speak Chinese poorly
eg3. When I was young, I was poor.
eg4. I wish I was rich


when did you go to japan?
I went to Japan yesterday

When do you go to japan

go / went / will go / have been / am going 

Today is Thursday
Yesterday was Wednesday
Tomorrow will be Friday

I go to Japan every year
I went to Japan last year
I will go to Japan next year
I have been to Japan 4 times
I am going to Japan now

I am happy
Yesterday I was happy

They are happy
Yesterday they were happy

You are happy
Yesterday you were happy

Lina is happy
Lina was happy yesterday

I / we / they / you do
eg. I like / they sing
it / she / he / name does 
eg. it likes / she likes / he sings