F2F Class Notes 14th March (Joseph)


Retail store/shop – a shop you can buy things in (e.g. I am trying to get a job at a retail store like Sephora.)

Freelance work – when you work contract to contract and not with only one company. (e.g. I want to do what I love so I hope to become a freelance makeup artist one day.)

Door to door salesman – someone who goes from one door to another door trying to sell something. (e.g. Some companies use door to door salesman to sell their products directly to customers.)

Day to day – one day to another day (e.g. I try to live day to day and not think too much about the future.)

Cold call – when you call someone for the first time (e.g. When I was doing sales for a company I had to do 100 cold calls every day, it destroyed my soul.