F2F Class Notes 13th January (Tony)


maybe I have improved

doesn’t belong to your car

when I do some exercise

when I have a good sleep (n) my knee feels better

I think this sentence is not finished

fraud – pretend you are something that you are not

eg: “My doctor was arrested for fraud, I thought it was strange when he told me to sleep outside to help my broken arm.” “In some provinces we have a big problem with fraud.” “My doctor committed fraud.”

tense – tight and uncomfortable

eg: “My knee feels tense after I exercise.”

arrest V.- to put someone in jail because they broke the law

eg: “The police arrested a robber for arson, because they found a cigarette in his apartment with the same DNA that they found at the arson crime scene.”

arson – the crime of burning things

arsonist N. –  a person who committs arson


Continue the story about the Robber Arsonist.
