F2F Class Notes 10th February (Tony)


I’m a technical planner for an ad agency.

I’ve been working there for five years

I love it here.

in September

Preposition – used before nouns, used to modify verbs, nouns, and adjectives. used to express space, time, or other relationships between words.

eg: “My phone is in the desk.” “My phone is on the desk.”

Phrase – two or more words often used together for a single idea

eg: “A phrase doesn’t usually make a complete sentence.”

Private – not public, owned by an individual or group

eg: “My son will go to a private school.”

individual – just one, part of a larger group

eg: “You can get individual sugar packets from coffee shops.”

Tips for English Studying:

#1. Use less words when speaking English, more words make it unclear.

#2. If you don’t understand please tell the teacher.

#3 English has more words than Chinese, so the words are not always equal. They are almost the same.

#4 Read English often. Pay attention to small words. (Prepositions especially). to, for, at, from…

#5. Try to read the meaning of new words in English. If you need to you can translate the word.


#6. Don’t forget He and She

#7. Don’t forget the S if there is more than one.   one car two cars three car cars