F2F Class Note (JJ)


: 隔离

Ex: Because of coronavirus, I have to to have quarantined myself for 2 weeks since I came back from the US.

unveiled (unveil): 亮相

Ex: Next week, the iPhone 12 will be unveiled.

enabled (enable): make something possible

Ex: The new iPhone is 5G-enabled.


Ex: It will be a blockbuster moment when the movie will be released.

features: fee-chures

Ex: The new iPhone has four new features.

anticipated (anticipate): 期待已久的

Ex: I have been anticipating the movie release for a long time.


Ex: The new iPhone lineup includes four models.

line up

Ex: The restaurant is so popular that a lot of people are always lining up.

debut: de-bew-t

Ex: Justin Bieber made his debut at a very young age.

units: u-knits

monumental: significant

