VIP Class Notes (Kyle)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.
 accessories, virtual, augmented, accurately, technological *tek no loge i cal*, 3D facial (head?) modifications *three D fayshul modifications*, hats maozi

Write a sale proposal which accurately describes the APP…. Translate the Chinese kit and bring it to class. 

Needs more review

AI technology to give you a whole face of makeup–> AI technology will provide different makeup styles according to your face.

What is the new product that you introduced to Lily? What is it’s function/purpose?

*picture recognition* —> Facial recognition

Artificial Intelligence = AI

Augmented Reality = AR

Virtual Reality = VR

Jewelry = jool uh ree

L’Oreal= french beauty and health/skin care company

Magic Mirror has 3 functions;

  1. One of which relies on AR technology to make up the consumer’s face / to put make up on the consumer’s face. (passive/active depending on how you want to say it). *because of the new technology, there isn’t a defined way to explain this in English. 
  2. testing the consumers skin condition… our report will analyze the condition of your skin and generate a report for the consumer/you. Then our system will recommend relevant skin care products to the consumer/you.
  3. to put on different fashion accessories; for example; ear rings, hats, necklaces, glasses (or a monocle).


How do we accurately describe the virtual functions of MM?

to put on = to physically apply, to wear something, such as clothes, or make up

to alter the virtual appearance = to change something in the technological world/within the APP

L’Oreal already bought  another company named Modiface, who is one of our competitors. Therefore, we no longer have the opportunity to sell MM to L’Oreal.  This year, we will do more marketing communication to pronounce   to announce the release of MM to international markets. Our next objective is to recruit more sales team members.

Firstly / Secondly / Thirdly —– > At first / the next objective / after that


accessories, virtual, augmented, accurately, technological *tek no loge i cal*, 3D facial (head?) modifications *three D fayshul modifications*, hats maozi