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Travel diary entry Oct.11 in the Yellowstone National Park

Today, we went to Yellowstone National Park, the first and also the biggest national park in the world, Which is located in the vast Wyoming Natural Forest Area and covers an area of about 9000 square kilometers which is equal to the size of a quarter of Taiwan.

Yellowstone is a super active volcano in South America, and almost half of the area are around the crater. It erupted every 640,000 years regularly before. It is said that the last eruption is around 640,000 years ago which means it will erupt anytime right now.

Yellowstone had been protected very well and all the development and exploration about it were very cautious. Since 1872, only 3% of Yellowstone area had been developed with a very basic foundation and only 1% of it had been allowed to open to tourists, that’s why 140 years passed and the views are just the same as before.

The guide said maybe the views in America are not much more beautiful than that in China, but the attitude of America government that protect natural environment is much better than Chinese government.

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Travel diary entry Oct.11, Yellowstone National Park

Today, we went to Yellowstone National Park, the first and also the biggest national park in the world. Which is located in the vast Wyoming Natural Forest Area and covers an area of about 9000 square kilometers, equal to the size of a quarter of Taiwan.

Yellowstone is a super active volcano in North America. It includes almost half of the area around the well known massive crater. It erupts approximately every 640,000 years. It is said that the last eruption was around 640,000 years ago which means it is bound to erupt anytime now.

Yellowstone has been protected very well and all the development and exploration around it was done very cautiously. Since 1872, only 3% of the Yellowstone area had been developed with a very basic foundation and only 1% of it had been open to tourists. That’s why nearly 140 years have passed and the views are just the same as before.

The guide said maybe the views in America are not much more beautiful than that in China, but the attitude of American government that protects the natural environment is much better than the Chinese government.