Email Service Notes (Samara)

Your Original Email

About my past job
I had 3 years experience in project cost after university graduated.I help company bid for project.The first-party give us files,those files include their budget,demands and project drawing.We use the computer count everything we needs,like reber,cement,sand,soil.Then we will make appropriate price to join competitive tender.This job needs me to be absorbed in numbers, can’t be wrong with any decimal point.I learn how to work in organized way in this job.I can be attentive even when I was tired.

Your Edited Email

It was great to hear about the skills you gained from your last job! I look forward to reading the next one! 
Samara W

About my past / last / previous  job
I had 3 years experience in project cost management after I graduated from university. I help my company bid for projects. The first team gives us files. Those files include their budget, demands and project drawing.We use the computer to count everything we need, like rubber, cement, sand, soil. Then we will make an appropriate price to join competitive tender. This job needed me to be absorbed in numbers. I couldn’t be wrong with any decimal point. I learned how to work in an organized way in this job. For example, I can be attentive even when I am tired. / I learned to become attentive even when I am tired. 

Counselor (samara) Questions: 

  • “First- team” – What is the name of this team? This information is too small, it is better to say the name of this team. 
  • Punctuation: In this paragraph you often fail to make a space between the commas ( , ) and your words. When you use a comma you must make the space after the comma. It is the same rule for the period ( . )
    • No:  I ate lunch,then I slept.
    • Yes: I ate lunch, then I slept.