Email Service Notes (Nicholas)

Your Original Email

God exists.

There are many psychological phenomena that we have discovered (not invented), like the hindsight effect and many other effects. We may be able to explain it, but we can’t control it, to happen or not. If we invented it, we should be able to stop it, or get rid of it. But it seems that we’re born with it.

You can say that it’s a description of human nature, but how does the human nature first come?

The wisdom of human being comes from the wisdom of God. We realized something, we say we realized it, it’s not we’ve invented it.

Or, what seems quite natural is actually written in our genes. Genes can carry too much information. Human evolves along the long history.

So a human came up with an idea, and it’s written in the gene, and then we were born with it; in the long run, we’re capable of it and can’t explain why we’re able with it.

Your Edited Email

God exists.

There are many psychological phenomena that we have discovered (not invented), like the “hindsight effect” and many other effects. We may be able to explain it, but we can’t control it — whether it happens or not. If we invented it, we should be able to stop it, or get rid of it, but it seems that we’re born with it.

You can say that it’s a description of human nature, but where does human nature come from / how did human nature first develop?

The wisdom of human beings comes from the wisdom of God. We realized something, we say we have realized it, it’s not that we’ve invented it.

Or, what seems quite natural is actually written in our genes. Genes can carry too much information. Humans evolve along a long history / timeline.

So a human came up with an idea, and it’s written in our genes, and then we were born with it; in the long run, we’re capable of it and can’t explain why we’re able to do it / why we’re capable of it.