Email Service Notes (Jesse)

Your Original Email

Q: Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?

Benefited from the remarkable development of the internet, increasing number of people read news on the internet rather than newspapers like before.Traditional newspapers seem to be faced with a thread of fading away,even disappearing .In my opinion,newspapers may be replaced by the internet as the most important resource of news.

The destructive shortcoming of newspapers is that it takes more time to transmit news than internet. Internet is more timely and efficient which means that the news on there seems to be newer and more valuable . In a traditional press industry,after journalists finish writing, the newspapers have to be copied,printed and transported.However,people can read news as news is upload on internet. Compared with newspapers,the Internet enables people to get informed instantly which makes newspapers lose its dominance.

In addition,Newspapers is limited by pages ,while the Internet can offer massive amounts of news to the public without limitation.Nowadays,people are willing to get more information and details in terms of business,politics and so by pages,News on Newspapers is more likely to be simplified and can’t be wrote completely.If people is interested in some topics, it is inconvenient for them to gain further information. Moreover,without geography boundaries,the internet gives people more options of media which is behalf of different groups. It helps us to know deeply behind the news from other aspects.

In conclusion, the internet offers news immediately and widely,which is a vital factor for news itself, so it is difficult to say that newspapers will remain the predominant source of news.

Your Edited Email

Q: Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?

Benefited from the remarkable development of the internet, increasing numbers of people read news on the internet (online) rather than in newspapers like before. Traditional newspapers seem to be faced with the threat of fading away, or even disappearing. In my opinion, newspapers may be (eventually completely) replaced by the internet as the most important resource of news.

The destructive shortcoming of newspapers is that it takes more time to transmit / communicate news than the internet. The internet is more timely and efficient which means that the news on there seems to be newer / more up-to-date and therefore more valuable. In a traditional press industry, after journalists finish writing, the newspapers have to be copied, printed and transported / delivered. However, people can read news as soon as news is uploaded on the internet. Compared with newspapers, the Internet enables people to get informed instantly which has caused newspapers to lose its dominance / their stranglehold on the industry.

In addition, Newspapers are limited by a number of pages, while the Internet can offer massive amounts of news to the public without limitation. Nowadays, people are willing to get more information and details on the subject of business, politics and so on. Limited by page size and quantitiy as well as the size of text, news from newspapers is more likely to be simplified or even shortened, with details being left out / omitted. If people are interested in particular topics, it is inconvenient for them to gain further information about them. Moreover, without / lacking geographic boundaries, the internet gives people more options of media which is on behalf of different groups. It helps us to know deeply behind the news from other aspects. (what does this mean? review in class)

In conclusion, the internet offers news immediately and widely, which is a vital factor for news itself, so (I feel) it is unlikely that newspapers will remain the predominant source of news into the future.