Email Service Notes (Jesse)

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There is a discussion about the physical quality and the mental quality which is more related to get
higher performance in sports.
Some people think physical strength contributes a success in sports community. People who has a strong body will be benefit to persuade a higher goal and break theirs limitations. Furthermore, physical strength help athletes to resistant extremely high physical exertion in a competition, such as marathon and gymnastics.
However, it is said that mental personalities are also important components that shouldn’t be ignored. Positive emotion makes a directly influence on activating muscle work. The high mental strength you have, the more flexible you are to adopt uncertain circumstances in a keen competition.
To conclude, physical and mental quality interrelate, both of them is extremely important.

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There is a discussion about whether physical or mental ability is more related to get
higher performance in sports.
Some people in the sports community think physical strength contributes to sporting success. People who are physically fit will be benefit to persuade a higher goal and break theirs limitations – you mean “fit people are more likely to try to achieve goals and push themselves?”. Furthermore, physical strength helps athletes to be resistant to extremely high physical exertion in a competition, such as marathons and gymnastics.
However, it is said that there are also important mental components that shouldn’t be ignored. Positive emotion has a direct influence on activating muscles. The higher the mental strength you have, the more flexible you are to adapt to uncertain circumstances through tough competition.
To conclude, physical and mental qualities are interrelated, with both of them being extremely important.

  • This topic is a little advanced for your grammar level so I would suggest a simpler topic for now to allow you to focus on grammar – Jesse