Email Service Notes (Jesse)

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15.What role do you think literary works play in our lives?
Literary works play an important role in our life. The highest value of literary works is that the authors embody their deep emotions and psychological thinking to nature, life, arts, society, history and universe in their works. They can broaden our horizons and help us experience a kind of life which we cannot have in real life. They help us see the things which we tend to ignore in our daily life.
The reading of literary works is, in essence, a communicative activity between readers and writers within the text. So literary works put us in contace with the excellent minds of human.

Your Edited Email

15.What role do you think literary works play in our lives?
Literary works play an important role in our lives. The highest value of literary works is that the authors write work that embody their deepest emotions and concepts surrounding nature, life, the arts, society, history and the universe in general. They can broaden our horizons and help us experience a kind of life which we cannot live ourselves. They help us to see the things which we tend to ignore in our daily lives.
The reading of literary works is, in essence, a communicative activity between readers and writers within the text, so they have the ability to put us in touch with some of the most impressive minds that humanity has to offer.