Email Service Notes (Jesse)

Your Original Email

We are in a time of information explosion. There are so many sources that we can get all kinds of information. We can search some basic information like weather,some useful information like the features of a certain production,and even some professional information of science and medicine. Furthermore,apps which you have dowloaded send the lastest information automatically. People always feel confused when facing so many information. How to use/reference these informations correctly is a significant subject. Especially when people make some important decision according to the information which is searched on internet. For example,medical diagnosis is a very professional and serious thing. It is not cautious that diagnos self or get some therapies base on the web search results.

Your Edited Email

We are in a time of an information explosion and there are / explosion, with so many sources that we can get all kinds of information from. We can search for some basic information like the weather,some useful information like the features of a certain production,and even some professional information of science and medicine. Furthermore,apps which you have downloaded send the latest information automatically. People always / often feel confused when facing so much information. How to use/reference this information correctly is a significant subject / is key. Especially when people make some important decisions according to the information which is found online. For example,medical diagnosis is a very professional and serious thing and I believe that it is irresponsible and potentially dangerous to diagnose yourself or get some therapies or advice based on the web search results.