Email Service Notes (Jesse)

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American soap operas were shown up in China since 40 years ago. That is a age without many types of tv shows,and also is a age which people has few channel to know something out of China. The American soap operas have became a popular and fashion topics around young guys,and it is a direct way that people could get information of western world which is totally different with ours. After that,with the promotion of globalization,more English soap operas were introduced in china,more things about daily life of western world were revealed in front of young people in China,it even led the studying abroad boom in 1980s. As the rapid development of tech in these days,people could get various TV shows and soap operas of other countries easily. It is a great channel to learn the language, culture and history of other countries.

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American soap operas showed up in China since 40 years ago, which was an age without many types of tv shows,and also was an age during which people had few channels / ways to learn about things from outside China / from overseas. The American soap operas have become a popular and fashionable topics around / for young guys / young people / for the youth,and it is a direct way that people can get information about the / from the western world which is totally different from / to ours. After that,with the promotion / advancement of globalization,more English soap operas were introduced in china,with more things about daily life in the western world being revealed in front of / revealed to young people in China,it even led to the study abroad boom in the 1980s. With the rapid development of tech in these days,people are able to get various TV shows and soap operas of other countries easily. It is a great channel to learn the language, culture and history of other countries.