Email Service Notes (Jacob)

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Most parents will acknowledge that children are hard work, but are likely to say the rewards outweigh the challenges. To feel differently is almost unspeakable, but there are women who regret having children. A TV program interviewed a few moms who have such kind of feeling.

A mom regretted having children, because she felt there were too many responsibilities than her imagination. She felt herself is not maternal enough to have kids and realized this fact too late. Another mom felt regretful to have kids because she gave up her career for her children, which made her feel that she lost a big and important part of her life.

All moms attended this program expressed their love for their children. They just also admitted their true negative feelings about being a mom, which may be seen as unusual and a little bit heartless.

It is impossible to know how many women feel this way because so few speak openly about it. They may have fear of being judged or they don’t want to be seen as being selfish. The implication is if you regret having children then you’re a bad person and bad mother. We may need to create a more open society to let such kind of moms express their true feelings and get support from other moms who share the same feelings.

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Most parents will acknowledge that having children is hard work, but are likely to say the rewards outweigh the challenges. To feel differently is almost uncommon, but there are women who regret having children. A TV program interviewed a few moms who have such kinds of feelings.

A mom regretted having children because she felt there were too many responsibilities than her imagination to manage. She felt herself that she is not maternal enough to have kids and realized this fact too late. Another mom felt regretful to have kids because she gave up her career for her children, which made her feel that she lost a big and important part of her life.

All moms that attended this program expressed their love for their children. They just also admitted their true negative feelings about being a mom, which may be seen as unusual and a little bit heartless.

It is impossible to know how many women feel this way because so few speak openly about it. They may have fear of being judged or they don’t want to be seen as being selfish. The implication is if you regret having children then you’re a bad person and bad mother. We may need to create a more open society to let such kind of moms express their true feelings and get support from other moms who share the same feelings.