Email Service Notes (Jacob)

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Iā€™ve been reading a book recently which recommended by teacher NEMO. The name of this book is wild swans, and it tells the story about three women in the old time of China. The story happened at the late Qing Dynasty and the warlord ruled the China. The writerā€™s grandmother was born in that time, she was a very beauty and whose marriage was used by his father to get him a better position in the office, for this purpose, her grandmother bound her feet very small and learnt many accomplishment which can make her became a very talent women. At length, her grandmother succeed in married with a general as a concubine which arranged by her father in purpose, but her grandmother didnā€™t live together with the generalā€™s wife and the other concubines until he got heavy sick.
So it is the beginning of the book, and Iā€™ll continue to read it. Iā€™ll tell you more when I read more.

Your Edited Email

Iā€™ve been reading a book recently which wasĀ recommended by myĀ teacher Nemo. The name of this book is Wild Swans, and it tells the story about three women in the old ancientĀ times of China. The story happened at during/inĀ the late Qing Dynasty, and whenĀ the warlords ruled the China. The writerā€™s grandmother was born during that time, she was a very beautiful and whose herĀ marriage was used by her father to get him a better position in the office. For this purpose, her grandmother boundĀ her feet so they looked/appearedĀ very small and learnt many accomplishmentĀ and taught her many skillsĀ which can made her become a very talented women. At length, her grandmother succeed and married with a general as a concubine whichĀ was arranged by her father in purpose, but her grandmother didnā€™t live together with the generalā€™s wife and the other concubines until he got heavy sick.
This isĀ the beginning of the book, and Iā€™ll continue to read it. Iā€™ll tell you more when IĀ have read more.

Edited by Jacob @ SE