Email Service Notes (Jacob)

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When I went to Korea last month, I saw 2 kind of movies. one is ‘Call me by your name’, the other one is ‘Shape of water’.
Among 2 kind of movies, I like ‘Call me by your name’ than ‘Shape of water’. If I summurize about ‘Call me~’ ‘s story, this movie made about intense first love memories. Very emotional story and beautiful screen mooved me. Otherwise, ‘Shape of water’ was originally love story. but some of the cruel scene displeased me. so despite the beautiful scenes, I didn’t feel funny.

Your Edited Email

When I went to Korea last month, I saw 2 kinds of movies. One is ‘Call me by your name’, the other one is Shape of water.
Among the 2 kinds of movies, I liked ‘Call me by your name’ more than ‘Shape of water’. If I summarize about ‘Call me’ story, this movie made was about intense first love memories. Very emotional story and the beautiful screen moved me. Otherwise Shape of Water was originally a love story. But some of the cruel scenes displeased me. So despite the beautiful scenes, I didn’t enjoy it feel funny.