Email Service Notes (Celeste)

Writing exercise

The most abnormal thing happened this week was snow in Shanghai. It was more than ten years ago when I saw such heavy snow in this city. This winter is colder than ever and snow make roads icy and difficult to walk after work. I do hope I could stay at home instead of out to work these days. But life has to continue. We have two HQ colleages coming to Shanghai this week, including an LA girl. In the morning of the 1st snow day, she saw rain mixed with snow falling down, she questioned what was it. We have to tell her that it maybe not the tipical snow as North area but it is snow. Then that noon it was pure snow. The funny thing was she hadn’t realized that Shanghai can be so cold in this season and only brought a light down jacket and all Tshirts when coming here because in LA there is no store selling thick down jackets these days.
Snow is a different story to kids. My son was so happy to see snow and really like to walking or playing in snow. My husband helped him to take some snow back home. Then he made a snow man at home and said that snowman was himself. Every morning 1st thing he did was to look out of windows and he checked weather forecast several times to imagine his happy times.


The most abnormal thing that happened this week was it snowed in Shanghai. It was more than ten years ago when I saw such heavy snow in this/the city. This winter is colder than ever and snow makes roads and sidewalks icy and difficult to walk on after work. I hoped I could stay at home instead of going to the office on these snowy days. But my life has to continue. We have two HQ colleagues coming to Shanghai this week, including a woman from LA.  On the morning of the 1st snowy day, she saw sleet/ (rain mixed with snow) falling down, and/so she questioned what it was. We had to tell her that it may not be the typical snow like in the north area but it is snow. Then later that day/later that afternoon it was pure snow. The funny thing was she hadn’t realized that Shanghai could be so cold in the winter and only brought a light down jacket and all T-shirts when coming here because in LA there are no stores selling thick down jackets.
Snow is a different story for kids. My son was so happy to see snow and really likes walking and playing in it/snow. My husband helped him to take some snow back home. Then he made a snowman at home and said that snowman was himself. Every morning, the 1st thing he did was look out his/the windows and check the weather forecast several times to see if it would snow more.