VIP Class Notes (Joe)


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.


Pizza (peet sa)


I’m born in Shanghai
I was born in Shanghai

Shanghai is convenient and delicious
Shanghai is convenient and has delicious food

Only 2 hours flight
The flight only takes me 2 hours
It’s only a 2 hour flight

I want to find a new job which can use English more
I want to find a new job where I can use English more
I want to find a new job which requires more English

Does anyone said you look like Santa Clause?
Has anyone said you look like Santa Clause?

How long have you been to Shanghai?
How long have you been in Shanghai?

In these 3 months, I’m trying to lose weight
I have been trying to lose weight for 3 months

The way I lose weight is just for diet
The way I lose weight is just by dieting

Only 1 meal you can have carbs
You can have only 1 meal with carbs


The reasons are of paramount importance
Education is of paramount importance for a child

Scrumptious /  Delectable – mean very delicious

Japanese – adj
Many Japanese I met they are very thoughtful

Japan – noun
I went to Japan

Considerable (large)
I have a considerable amount of money

Considerate (thoughtful)
Most Japanese people are very considerate

Carbon (a chemical element)
Paper can burn because it contains carbon

Carbs (foods like potatoes and corn)
I can eat carbs on the first day