Double VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (W+S)

Writing exercise


Chinese people likes alcohol and it becomes a Chinese culture.
In China, when the business man they around table and talk about the project. They want to use their drinking action to be trust. During that time, drinker would say,” all words are in the alcohol. I’ll finished it, whatever you.”
If someone can drink a bottle of baijiu, people would say, it’s a good thing, it can support you to business negotiation. People wouldn’t care about your body’s health.
My husband told me, it’s necessary to do that. Some team leaders they want to people drunk them. Because they are group up in this way. It’s a cycle. And during eating time, you can express your idea whatever that point leaders support or not, it’s just an opportunity.
I didn’t like alcohol, but I like toast. I like people around dining room table and enjoy food


Chinese people like alcohol and it is an important part of Chinese culture.
In China, when the businessmen are sitting around table and talking about the project, they want to use their time drinking together to gain trust. During this time, they would say, “All words between us exist in this bottle. Let’s cheers together.”
If someone can drink a bottle of baijiu, some (people) would say, it’s a good thing, it will help to support your business negotiations. In contrast people won’t care about your body’s health. But my husband told me that it’s necessary to follow this custom. Some team leaders they want to people to get drunk. Because they are grew up in this way. It’s a cycle. And during this time, you can express your ideas to that point leaders may support it or not, it’s just an opportunity for everyone to share and get together. I don’t like alcohol, but I like toasting with others and I like people around my dining room table to enjoy food.

Chinese people like alcohol = They like to drink beer and wine.

culture = a BIG TOPIC. When talking about parts of the culture, we have many SUB TOPICS and examples,

ex. Spicy food is a part of the culture. There can be many different cultural customs in a given place.

Man – 1, Men= +1

“All words between us exist in this bottle. Let’s cheers together.” —-> Cheers. Cannot directly translate idioms because of cultural context. 

baijiu = a hard liquor popular in China, “White Wine”, high proof rice wine, %45+ alcohol 

On the other hand\ In contrast \ However \ All things considered, \ On the other side \ From a different point of view (America Vs China idea example)


some tears come out —-> start to tear up

It is true that when plants release pollen (tiny particles from plants) into the air, it can cause seasonal allergies. 

combination of both 

flow – air / water to go around

ex. My son had some breathing problems with the flow of his breath while he was asleep. 

The emergency services number. 

In China the emergency services number is 12 and in the USA its 911. 

Preliminary tests 

ex. The hospital did some preliminary tests before the surgery. 

anesthesia 麻醉

The anesthesia causes you to lose consciousness.  In the hospital they give you anesthesia / you take it in order to fall asleep. How long until you feel the effects anesthesia? …

titanium alloy – 钛合金

a dental cavity (hole) 牙洞

If you eat too much sugar, you will get cavities in your teeth, but they can be filled in by a dentist. 

fencing 击剑 I didn’t take my son to fencing because  it is too similar to fighting

“The Shanghainese Kung fu is not so good…”

to bully (Verb)to harass (verb) 骚扰 harassment 

Is bullying prevent in Shanghai? China? Other cities ?  A teacher should not allow bullying.

Bullies 欺负 are the kids who pick on other kids at school.


asthma 哮喘 —-> as ma / asth ma

stomach —> (e) stom ach 胃

karate  空手道

Some women in America practice karate.

stubborn  — > StuBern

“I am a stubborn person.”

Yoga —> Yo Gah