Double Online Class Notes (Nicholas)(W)


What are your views on leadership? What makes a good leader? Do you think you’re a leader? Are humans herd animals? Do you agree with this?


Write about another animal story from Hostile Planet


professional courtesy – to be polite in busy

e.g. Some clients have zero professional courtesy.

e.g. Being well organized, and being respectful, and meeting client expectations but also setting professional boundaries – these are all types of professional courtesy.

e.g. As a professional courtesy, I am letting you know that I have found another job.

predator – an animal that hunts/kills other animals for food

e.g. The lion is a predator in Africa. He hunts zebra.

e.g. A snake is the predator of the mouse, but he is the prey of the owl.

prey – an animal that is hunted or killed by a predator – they are the food

e.g. The zebra is the lion’s prey. Zebras are prey for the lion.

apex – the very top

e.g. Zora is approaching the apex of her career.

e.g. Nicholas wants to hike to the apex/peak of the mountain

apex predator –Ā the top predator in the food chain

e.g. Lions, tigers, grizzly bears ā€” these are all apex predators because no other animal can hunt them, they are too powerful.

ferocious / fierce / aggressive

slaughter – to kill an animal for food

e.g. My friends raised pigs and when they grew up they sent them to be slaughtered.

hierarchy – noun / hierarchical – adj / in a society, or organization, or in nature, everything has its place or position from the top to the bottom

e.g. In a hierarchy, there are always leaders and follower.

pack animals – these are animals that organize themselves in a pack or group similar to wolves

e.g. Wolves hunt as a pack.

herd animals – these are animals that travel in large groups and slowly follow one or two leaders

e.g. Cows and sheep ā€” these are all herd animals. They really don’t have thoughts for themselves, they just follow the leader.

e.g. Some people, think that humans are very intelligent herd animals.

e.g. People are like sheep. Don’t be a sheep ā€” think for yourself!

survive – to stay alive

e.g. The baby needs to learn how to fly or he will not survive.


they are have the different meaning / theyĀ haveĀ aĀ different meaning

when eye’s is blind – whenĀ eyeĀ was blind

when my parents pickĀ picked up me upĀ toĀ go to another city

stand by me –Ā [stand by my side]

we talking about this one thing –Ā we’re justĀ talking about this one thing

it’s not smoothly –Ā it’s notĀ smooth –Ā itĀ doesn’tĀ goĀ smoothly

its = possession = ownership

e.g. The leopard looked to its mother. = The leopard looked to his mother.

it’s = it is

e.g. It’s a leopard = It is a leopard.

then vs. than

then = time

than = comparing two things

e.g. I went to work andĀ then I went to class. I went to class after work. <<TIME>>

e.g. I like watching movies more than going to work. <<Comparing work and movies>>

will vs. would

will = 100% certain = fact

e.g. If the bird jumps and can’t fly heĀ will die.

e..g If the bird jump and can’t fly heĀ wouldĀ die.

would = hypothetical situations = not real situations = fake scenario = what if situationsĀ 

e.g. What would you do if you won $1M? I would buy a house and buy a new car.

e.g. What would you do if you found out you were pregnant? Oh my god, if I found out I was pregnant I would be so excited I would tell my mom!

could vs. can = not real situations = “what if scenarios”

can = fact

could = what if scenario

e.g. If you were given a new assignment at work, could you complete it by the weekend? Yes I can. Yes I could.

e.g. Can you play piano? Yes I can.

e.g. I heard you can play the piano. If I gave you $100 could you play at my wedding. Sure, of course I could!

e.g. If I had my wedding this weekend, could you play piano at it? Yes I could.

e.g. My wedding is tomorrow, can you play at my wedding? Yes, I can.

can’t vs. couldnā€™t

canā€™t = not able to = I don’t have this skill

couldnā€™t = wasnā€™t able to = hypothetical situation Ā = past situation

e.g. I was drunk last night and I couldnā€™t open the door. <<PAST>>

e.g. I was drunk last night and I was not able to open the door. <<PAST>>

e.g. Zora, I am downstairs and I canā€™t open the door. <<PRESENT>>

e.g. I was drunk and I canā€™t couldn’t open the door.

Writing exercise


These days, I am watching a documentary named hostile planted. The documentary describe the animals on the planted how to get food how to live on the earth. Actually every animal has itā€™s position, they can hunt other animals also need to protect themselves be hunted by other animals.

I am a soft people. When I saw a baby oxygen be catch by a leopard. I am worried about the baby oxygen, but when I stand in the leopard side. If the leopard is a mother and it needs to feed itā€™s babies. Before this hunting, she was been hungry for more than one week. So think about this I can accept this fact.

One of the birdā€™s parents build their home on the top of cliff , to avoid hunter. So they needs to let their baby stand on the top than jump into the 50 meters deep. The bird parents has three children, the first child jumped. It was alive. But it was founded by an eagle. Even the parents fighting with the eagle. But failed. The baby was catched by the eagle. The parents canā€™t stop their steps. They let the second baby jumped. The second baby due to hit the cliff so it couldnā€™t alive. Itā€™s the third baby turn. It was win. But itā€™s just the little step in his life.

Itā€™s natural balance and also itā€™s the structure of human. The people who Less skills or less power would be behind of other people.


These days, I am watching a documentary named / calledĀ “Hostile Planet”. The documentary describesĀ the animals on the planet andĀ how they get food as well asĀ how they live on the earth. Actually every animal has its position / [all animals are in a hierarchy], they can hunt other animals/[predators]Ā and theyĀ also need to protect themselves from beingĀ hunted / [prey] by other animals.

I am a soft person. When I saw the baby ox / oxen get caught by theĀ leopard. I was worried about the baby ox, but when I stand in the leopard side looked at it from the leopard’s side / [perspective]: if the leopard is a mother and it needs to feed its babies. Before this hunt, she had been hungry for more than one week. So ifĀ think about this thenĀ I can accept this fact.

One of the birdā€™s parents build their home on the top of aĀ cliff , to avoid hunters / [predators]. So they needs to let their baby stand on the top then jump offĀ 50 meters high. The bird parents have three children, the first child jumped. It was alive / [survived]. But it was founded by an eagle / but an eagle found it. Even the parents fought with the eagle ā€” butĀ they failed. The baby was caught by the eagle. The parents couldn’tĀ stop their steps. They let the second baby jump. The second baby hit the cliff as it jumped and didn’t live / jumped and hit the cliff and could not survive.Then it was the third baby’s turn. It succeeded. But itā€™s just a little/small step in his life.

This is the natural balance / this is nature’s balanceĀ and also itā€™s the structure of humans. The people who haveĀ less skills or less power will be behind of other people withĀ more power.