Double Online Class Notes (Kyle) (S+W+R)


My eyes feel uncomfortable —- > My eyes are feeling itchy 痒 or swollen  肿

to feel more comfortable 

these are actually two verbs: 

———>To itch / scratch 瘙痒 example.. One of my eyes was itchy so I was scratched it.

———-> To swell up 膨胀 example. She had a motorbike accident and broke her arm, it immediately started to swell. Her arm was swollen for several months. There was also bruising. 

—–> to start tearing up = to make small tears

“I have this uncomfortable feeling when I put in my contacts, and I start tearing up

=NOT CRYING, watery eyes. 

These are local languages. – hua – … Mandarin is the official language of China.

maintain – to keep alive, to keep around, to have in the future,

ex. It is important to maintain world languages.


What other languages are in the world beside Chinese Mandarin and English?

area = 地区 , 地理区域,

The area of Zambia is 752,618 km

The area of Jiangsu province is 102,600 km2


*Seven hundred and fifty two thousand, six hundred and eighteen square kilometers. 

*One hundred-two thousand and six hundred square kilometers.

How many times bigger is Zambia?

times = multiplication  乘以, the number of events that happened.

ex. 1 person times 4 trips to Japan = I have been to Japan 4 times. 

How to describe and how to remember?

separate door = different from the Common topic


When did you using your ThinkPad ? From 10’o clock until 6’clock pm.

  • Did you have a lunch in between that time period?
  • Were you looking at the screen for 8 hours ?

I can’t stop my eyes to have a break ======> I feel like I shouldn’t be looking at screens for so much time in my day. 

  • I should = it is a good idea….  example . I should do something to relax my eyes. 
  • It’s probably a good idea = example.  It’s probably a good project for a company. 

Its = it is ….. What? We need more information. What is the subject ?


Speaking exercise

How can you improve your eyesight and be comfortable, at the same time? 

Technology? 技术

Original Dictation

  • Actually today I joined in a glasses company meeting and we talking about the technology to stop the bad light we call the blue light. And I think if you have a problem with your eyes, we call this short-sightedness. If you a shortsighted person you need to choose your glasses seriously, so you need to use the technology to protect your eyes, like these glasses will block out the bad harmful light.


  • Actually, it was just today that I participated 参与 in company meeting about new eyeglasses technology. The primary concern 主要关注的问题 of the meeting was to discuss technology which stops bad light  harmful light that we call “blue light.” And I think if you have a problem with your eyes, we call this short-sightedness. If you a shortsighted person then you need to choose your glasses seriously, so you need to use the technology to protect your eyes, like these glasses will block out the bad harmful light.

wavelengths – What is a bad wavelength of light? Subjective question? It doesn’t sound very convincing.

to filter – 滤波器- Our eyes cannot naturally filter out blue light, therefore we can use technology to do so.

Does your company produce this technology or is this just a new project? Glasses companies are just one of the clients. We have a wide range of clients and I think in the future we can offer different services to our clients.

*ING* = 30 clients – ???

ING = I am _____ING it now —– it is like an continuous action and it will not stop. It is a continuous process. ——> “text talk” “shorthand”… This language is not appropriate for business email. 

* This can be used for a personal relationship, such as it is still going / in the process *

* Blue Light: Blue light generally is defined as visible light ranging from 380 to 500 nm. Blue light sometimes is further broken down into blue-violet light (roughly 380 to 450 nm) and blue-turquoise light (roughly 450 to 500 nm). So approximately one-third of all visible light is considered high-energy visible (HEV) or “blue” light. Key Points About Blue Light

Harmless – doesn’t cause harm. …. Artificial blue light is practically harmless.

Harmful – causes alot of damage…… Blue light from the sun is the most harmful.


Which other types of text talk or short hand, do you use on a regular basis ?

Writing exercise

My son wants to be a solider, he told me about that frequently. He wants me can sent him to the army when he grows up. I think it’s a good idea. In my opinion, my son is a tough boy, tough man would like to fighting and in his mind he would never give up.
But in my son’s age, he only see the solider can hold guns or weapons and can’t think about the future things. Maybe one day solider will going to the battleground, to maintain world peace. I hope that would never happen.