Double F2F Class Notes (Nick)

Next Class Focus

Candy wants to improve her knowledge of place names in English. Perhaps start with some countries from this political world map.

Check out this map on things on the opposite side of the Earth

Needs more review

Countryside (noun) – a place away from the city
Retreat (noun) – when you get away from stress and worries, often by going into the country (away from the city); this is either the trip to escape society, or the place you go during this trip


Minion – someone less important who does work or takes orders from a more important person; usually illegal work 走狗
Minions – the small yellow people

Mastermind – a genius who designs a very complicated plan
e.g. Gru from Despicable Me is the criminal mastermind of an operation to steal the moon.

Despicable – something dishonorable, bad, disgusting, disgraceful  卑鄙
e.g. When I asked him if he knew about the stolen car, he lied to me and said that he did not. That was a despicable thing to do.

Moral Code – how all people should act
Code of Ethics / Conduct – the way you should act, especially in a certain job, position, or industry
e.g. No one should kill anyone else with a VERY good reason.
e.g. Giving away secrets to competitors is a serious violation of the business code of conduct.

Micromanagement – when a leader doesn’t trust their employees to do a good job and wants to be involved in every small decision

Fight vs. Fight with – to hit a person or to use words to disagree; “fight with” is not as serious, usually just words
e.g. I fought him last week, and now I have a black eye.
e.g. I fought with him last week, and now we aren’t speaking.

I’m looking for a position with management responsibilities
I’m looking for a management position / opportunity

Famous – very generally, publicly well-known
Well-connected – someone with a big network, who knows a lot of people in a field
Well-respected – someone with authority who other people like and trust


Unless vs. Except – “unless” means that something else has to happen first before you can get what you are looking for; this is “if . . . then . . .” in the opposite order
— “except” means that everything is included, but not this one thing or group
e.g. I won’t be able to go out tonight unless I can finish my homework first = If I don’t finish my homework, then I can’t go out tonight.
e.g. I have finished all of my homework except math.

Go out vs. Go outside – “go out” is general, and focuses on doing something away from home; “go outside” is physically removing yourself from a place, and focuses just on being outside of that place
e.g. Tonight we are going out, maybe to the Bund (we want to go out to have fun)
e.g. Mom told me to go outside (she just wants me to be outside and to play)

the Bund – 外滩

Tunnel – an underground place for traveling


Is Gru a people name? – Is Gru a person’s name? (Yes)

It’s very hard to me – for

Sometimes I didn‘t know – don’t
— “Don’t” is general
— “Didn’t” is a specific time in the past (usually one time)

Some place in the mountain – on the on mountain / in the mountains
— For a specific mountain, you are “on” the top or side of it
Think flat things, top, side, under
— “Mountains” can be an area that you can be “in”

It’s a bad experience last week – I had

It infect our relationship – infected

You should be share the whole project plan to her – with her

I think this is no efficient communication – not

I can’t transfer to a new field except if someone recommends me – unless


Eighteen vs. Eighty – the only difference is the “n” at the end