Double F2F Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Try to write a story using the new vocabulary. Be careful with the past tense and forming complete sentences! (S + V + O)


Adjective – 形容词
Conjunction – 连词
Preposition – 介词
Subject – 主语 (the person who does something)
Object – 宾语 (the person/thing that the subject is doing something to)
e.g. Juliet is telling Nick a story
— Juliet is the subject; she is the one telling a story
— Nick and the story are objects; the story is being told by Juliet, and Nick is listening to the story

Bi- – when this is put on the front of a word, it means “two”
e.g. “Biannual” means that something happens one time in every two years; once every two years
Semi- – 0.5; half
e.g. “Semiannual” means that something happens two times every year; twice a year
Tri- – this means three
Quad– – means four

Since – 以来, after something until now; between doing something and right now
e.g. What have you done since last class? (What did you do between having class with Nicholas and class today?)

During vs. While – these both mean that two things are happening at the same time; “during” has to have a noun after it, “while” has to have a verb
e.g. I was eating ice cream during the show
e.g. I was eating ice cream while watching the show.

Holiday vs. Vacation – both can mean that you don’t have work; usually, in the US, “holiday” means a special day when you don’t work, and “vacation” means that you go somewhere (in the UK, I think they mean the opposite)
e.g. Last week was the May 1st holiday. For this holiday, my friend came to Shanghai for a/on vacation.

Thanksgiving – 感恩节, a holiday in countries like the US and Canada where families get together to eat and celebrate; Thanksgiving is always the fourth Thursday in November (in the US)

Seafood – 海鲜

Shell – the hard part on the outside of some bugs and animals (especially seafood)
e.g. Before you eat a shrimp (虾) you have to take off the shell.
Conch – 海螺, a type of shellfish with a very hard shell
e.g. During the May 1st holiday, Nick went to Dalian and while there tried conch (he did not like it very much).

Professor – someone who teaches at a university/college
Teacher – someone who teaches in general
e.g. Someday, maybe Nick will be a politics professor. Now, he is an English teacher.

Diplomacy – 外交, the relations between countries

Underworld Forces – 黑恶势力, to talk about “bad people” Chinese says “black society,” but English calls it the “underworld”
e.g. Underworld forces often work in illegal industries, like drugs.

Bund – the street in Puxi that goes along the river, where you can see both the old and new buildings (like the old banks, the Pearl, Jinmao, Shanghai Financial, etc.) 外滩
The Pearl (Tower) – 东方明珠

有 – there is / to have
— “There is” tells us what is somewhere
e.g. There is a dog outside.
e.g. There are many tall buildings in Pudong.
— “Have” is a thing, what I can use or eat; what is mine!
e.g. I have an apple (it is in my hand, on my desk, in my bag, etc.)

At is for very specific places; on is for flat things and roads
e.g. I am at the door.
e.g. Please put the cup on the table / Please hang the calendar on the wall.
e.g. I am walking on Nanjing Road.

Classmate – 同学
Alumnus/Alumna/Alumni – 校友(们)


Remember, when you want to begin a sentence, the first thing is usually the person who is doing something (the subject).
— SUBJECT + VERB + OBJECT (who does what to whom/what?)

Usually, when something is in the past you should add “-ed” to the word.
BUT, be careful, some words have a special form for the past.
e.g. I walk to the park every day vs. I walked to the park yesterday.
e.g. I like to drink milk tea vs. I drank a milk tea yesterday.

For names, we usually don’t use “the”; a name is already specific enough
NOT “the Nick,” but just “Nick”
NOT “the Jiao Tong University,” but just “Jiao Tong University”

Speaking exercise

Have a holiday/vacation with my friends. Go waitan. Because my friends come Guangzhou, she was come to Shanghai with me have a holiday. So many people! She like. Eat some food with her, and walk at the Nanjing East Road. Her best like liaotian/communicated with me. We eat in the baozi/xiaolongbao, and the noodles/lamian.

I had a holiday for May 1st and my friends came to Shanghai on vacation with my friends. We went to the Bund, because my friends came  from Guangzhou. she was come to Shanghai with me have a holiday. There were so many people on/at the Bund! She liked it / She liked the Pearl / She liked the old buildingsI ate some food with her, and walked on the Nanjing East Road. Her best like liaotian/communicated with me. We eat in the baozi/xiaolongbao, and the noodles/lamian.


Quarter – core – ter

Lake Michigan – mish – i – gen
e.g. Lake Michigan is very large lake near Chicago, but we still don’t have a lot of seafood!

Walk – be careful to say “aw” in the middle