Demo Class Notes (Zoe – Tibo)


Business development in alcohol industry (meeting with restaurant / hotel management and distributors) sales or marketing
work on improving confidence when speaking English -> role play (cold call / company introduction / small talk / business negotiation and contract)
Work on written communication (emails / letters/ messages)
Improve business vocabulary + describing wines (taste/aroma /color)
work on correcting pronunciation (not the priority) (she tends to pronounce words as they are in French)

Listening: 3.5
Speaking: 3
Pronunciation: 2.5
Writing: 3
1 year

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F2F: 2

Writing: 2

Thank you for coming to meet us! It was really lovely meeting you. If you have any questions about the notes or anything, please just ask us. 🙂
Jesse & Judy

Speaking exercise

I just want to improve my business english since I haven’t worked since. 7-8 years and I take care of the kids and now I begin to do back to work and in my company many laowai>

When Want to communicate with them in English it is difficult to find the right grammar.
I have in France since 10 years so my english is not very well and I begin to speak French so I being to forget some words how to pronounce
For communicate is no problem but for writing…
When I was in university it was fine but now I don’t read a lot so forget.
when I started …
I work in a French company they do do the business they import the alcohol from France /chile and sell that in China so I will meet a lot of foreign restaurants or hotel managers or chefs.
So I need to speak English with them.
This kind of vocabulary I can find in books but I need for the skills to talk about the business and to chat with them and send some emails or be polite when I call them.

I never did that in the past, I have no idea for that.

My daughters have an American teacher and they say his accent is not like this.

the first time I success. to order meituan for the dinner I was so happy. It was so beautiful and clean you feel good

I just want to improve my business English since I haven’t worked for 7-8 years/since 2013 and I take care of the kids and now I begin to do back to work /I started working to work since July and in my company there are many laowai / many foreigners / westerners

When I want to communicate with them in English it is difficult to find the right grammar.

I have been in France for 10 years so my english is not very good / I don’t speak English very well and since I started to speak French so I forgot some English words and how to pronounce them / studying French has made my English worse.
For communication it is no problem but for writing I have issues / but my writing is not perfect.
When I was in university it was fine but now I don’t read a lot so I forgot.
when I started …

I work in a French company they operate a alcohol import business  from France / Chile and sell that in China so I will meet a lot of foreign restaurants or hotel managers or chefs.
So I need to speak English with them. / I communicate with them in English.

This kind of vocabulary I can find in books but I need the skills to talk about business and to chat with them and send some emails or be polite when I call them.

I never did that in the past, I have no idea about that.

My daughters have an American teacher and they say his accent is not like this. / they compare my accent to his

the first time I managed to order dinner on meituan I was so happy. It was a flawless experience / it was great experience, it was easy to use and made me trust the platform.


decriminalize (v) : stop treating as illegal
Alcohol was decriminalized man-years ago

legalize (v) : make legal
Car sharing was legalized a few years ago

abortion (n) ending a pregnancy on purpose
She was pregnant but didn’t want the baby so she had an abortion

flaw (n) small defect / small problem / imperfection
There is a flaw on the packaging

flawless (adj) perfect
It was flawless

success (n)
Successful people don’t talk about their success

succeed (v)
I succeeded in ordering some food on Meituan

F&B : food and beverage
I work with F&B companies

statue of liberty (n) : statue in NYC
I took pictures of the statue of liberty

automotive (adj)car related
I worked in an automotive company

grammar (n) structure of a language
French grammar is very difficult


on + platform / website
on Taobao
on WeChat
on Amazon

need to + V
I need to work hard

need + n
I need a holiday

do something well (adv)
I speak French very well

something / someone is good (adj)
My English is good

for + duration
I stayed in France for 10 years
I waited for 20 mins but couldn’t get a taxi

since + point in time
I haven’t worked since 2013
I haven’t been to a restaurant since January

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