Demo Class Notes (Yuki – Tibo)

Speaking exercise

Usually I use in work and I need to written and sometimes speaking and at the moment I work with a British company as a finance. So most words I need are in the financial field.
I am not quite confident speak with my foreigner colleagues, they are my boss and I speak with them a little nervous and I can’t catch their speed or their words.

I love traveling but you can travel domestic and I love learning all kind of financial knowledge.
every year I will travel to there and almost visit the places around the Osaka.

I don’t have a lot of experience in speaking

the majority of small individual investors they buy the stock and they promote the price of the company so the people who short will lost huge money.

sometimes will be involved the mortgage or acquisition , debt , …

present the situation or the state the company at.
If I have a graph it is more easier for me to illustrate or to explain
When I get nervous I can’t describe the very complex things.

I want to do the further education like MBA so I think oral speaking is the first step and the next one will be an English test to then enter an MBA.
Distancing learning can be available, maybe I can do that

Usually I use English in/at work and I need to write and sometimes to speak and at the moment I work with a British company in finance. So most words I need are in the financial field. / I mostly need finance related vocabulary.
I am not quite confident to speak with my foreign colleagues, they are my boss/ they are above me / they have a higher position than me and when I speak with them I feel a little nervous / and I feel nervous when I speak with them and I can’t catch/follow their speed or understand their words.

I love traveling but right now you can only travel domestically / only domestic trips are allowed and I love learning all kind of financial knowledge. / and I love to learn about finance in general.
Every year I will travel there / travel to Japan and usually visit the places around Osaka.

I don’t have a lot of experience in speaking / I need more practice speaking English.

the majority of small individual investors / retail investors bought the stock and they promoted the stock / they pushed the price upward/ they increased the stock price of the company so the institutions / hedge funds who shorted lost huge amount of money / some institutions had their short liquidated

sometimes it involves mortgages or acquisitions , debt , …

I present the situation or the status the company at.
If I have a graph it is easier for me to illustrate or to explain
When I get nervous I can’t describe the very complex things.

I want to further my education with an MBA so I think oral speaking is the first step / the first priority and the next one will be an English test to then enter an MBA program

distant learning / online courses / e-learning  is available/ is a workable solution, maybe I can do that.


political (adj)
I read political news

politics (n)
I am interested in the vocabulary about politics

stable (adj) not changing much
The price remained stable around USD10 for 2 weeks

to range (v/n) : move from … to …
The price ranged from 10 to 15 during the week

to liquidate (v) : close a position at a loss
My position was liquidated because the price moved by 50%

liquidation (n)
We received a liquidation notice by email

institution (n)financial organizations
He works in a financial institution

retail (adj) in small quantity / for the general public
Wallmart operate a retail store
retail investors longed GME

to increase (v) make greater
The price of GME increased from 20 to 350

to surge (v) : increase rapidly
The price of GME surged from 20 to 350

to decrease (v) : make smaller / go down
My workload decreased thanks to AI

to plummet (v) : decrease quickly
Airline stocks plummeted with the news of the virus

to promote (v) encourage / advertise
Democrats promote higher taxes
Apple is promoting their new iPhones with TV ads

promotion (n)
11/11 has the biggest promotions of the year

almost : very nearly
I am almost done, I will send you the report in 1 min.
I almost missed the train because I woke up late.

domestic (adj)
Huawei is a domestic company

domestically (adv)
I often travel domestically

foreigner (n)
Many foreigner are unable to come back because of travel restrictions

foreign (adj)
I work with a foreign company


in + industry
I work in education

work as + job
I work as a teacher


when talking in general use the present tense
I like cats
Japan is great for travel

use articles (a/the) with nouns
I went to the hospital
I like the city

do not use articles with names
I went to Huashan hospital
I like Beijing


hedge fund
