Demo Class Notes (Annie Y – Vicki)


A rat has been given a distinguished award for bravery for his services to humanity. The valiant rodent is called Magawa. He was awarded a gold medal for his seven years of duty sniffing out dozens of landmines in Cambodia. He was bestowed the award by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals charity. This is a veterinary charity based in the United Kingdom. The charity explained why Magawa was recognised for his courage. It wrote: “The PDSA…seeks to raise the status of animals in society and honour the incredible contribution they make to our lives. Magawa’s dedication, skill and bravery are an extraordinary example of this and deserve the highest possible recognition.”


valiant – brave

rodent – animals that can be found on the roads (cats, rabbits, rats)

sniff (v.) – to use nose to smell

landmine – bomb buried in the ground

bestow – to give / to award

veterinary – related to wild animals

vet – a animal doctor

run over – crash sth from above

image of people – portrait (ren xiang)

appearance (wai biao)- the outer look of sb or sth.

Speaking exercise

A: Tell me about your most memorable travel experience

I just travelled to Inner Mongolia, in August I also spent a week in Qinghai province.

It is famous for by the cave art.

I think this was impressive to me. And the scenery of the painting is very magnificent. According to the tour guide, she introduced to us about the story of the Mogul caves. Actually it was built 900 or 1000 years ago and at that time the people in china and the people in the western countries, they had a lot of cultural communications, so at that place, you can see a lot of different image of people image on the painting and the statues are not Chinese look. it’s about maybe some middle-east, some foreign people with curly hair and blue eyes.  you can see a lot of portraits on the wall that are  not only Chinese but also foreign people such as people from the middle-east or western people with curly hair and blue eyes. 


spend time in … place

famous for sth.