Demo Class Notes (Xiangxue – Tibo)


She wants to improve her English as a hobby.
She needs to learn new words + how to build sentences
review pronunciation
talk about simple topics at the beginning and review basic grammar (past tense,…)
After her English is better study some work topics (job interview / CV writing/ interview questions/ …)

Listening: 2
Speaking: 1.5
Pronunciation: 1.5
Writing: 1.5
1 year

推è课程(æ¯å‘¨ï¼‰/ Your Recommended Course (Weekly)

F2F: 2

Writing: 2

Thank you for coming to meet us! It was really lovely meeting you. If you have any questions about the notes or anything, please just ask us. 🙂
Jesse & Judy

Speaking exercise

My name is Xiangxue, I am 24 yo. I come from Shanxi province. I like English but my English is very poor.
I moved to SH last year.
sleeping, watch movies. Do you know a Japanese movie little forest?
I like Shanghai.
it is hard to speak in English.
I know the words but it is hard to use them.
quickly I am hard.
I know my English is very poor, when I am in the middle school my English teacher is very good. I like she so I study English hard but after middle School I study nurse / medical school.

in there I don’t need study English so I forgot.  Now I want to catch up
I work in a beauty clinic
A part of my works is to be the doctor’s assistant
English is only my hobby.
I hope study English can help me find a better job.
I want find a different job

My name is Xiangxue, I am 24 yo. I come from Shanxi province. I like English but my English is very poor. / I like English but I need to improve.
I moved to SH last year. / I moved to Shanghai 1 year ago.
I like sleeping, watching movies. Do you know a Japanese movie called/named little forest?
I like Shanghai.
It is hard to speak in English / I find it hard to speak in English.
I know the words but it is hard to use them. / I know the words but I can’t make sentences / my problem is when I try to make sentences
When you speak quickly it is hard to understand./ I find it hard to understand
I know my English is very poor, when I was in the middle school my English teacher was very good. I liked her so I studied English hard but after middle School I studied how to be a nurse / in medical school.

in there I didn’t need to study English so I forgot / so my English level went down .  Now I want to catch up / study again
I work in a beauty clinic.
A part of my work is to be the doctor’s assistant / I help the doctor
English is only my hobby
, I don’t speak English at work
I hope a better English can help me find a better job.
I want find a different job  / I want to resign


interview (n/v) é¢è¯•
I went to a job interview yesterday
The HR manager interviewed me yesterday

subject (n) 主语
In Tom is happy, Tom is the subject of the sentence

status (n) 地ä½ï¼ç¨‹åº¦
He has a high status

to resign (v) 辞èŒ
I want to resign because I don’t like it

resignation (n)辞èŒä¿¡
I wrote a resignation letter

noun åè¯
hospital is a noun

verb 动è¯
eat is a verb

adjective (adj)
small is an adjective

industry (n) 行业
I work in the beauty industry

service (n) æœåŠ¡
We have a great service

clinic (n) 医疗美容
I work in a beauty clinic

topic (n) 题目
I read about this topic

injection (n) 注射
The doctor gave her an injection

to inject(v)
The doctor injected botox in her face

to catch up (v) 赶上
I missed some classes because I was sick so I need to catch up

to miss (v) 错过
I missed the class because I was ill

page (n) 页
The book has 300 pages

sick / ill (adj) : 有病的
I went to the hospital because I was sick


need to do something
I need to work hard
I need to buy a new book

be + status / feeling
I am a man
I am not married
I am sad

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