Demo Class Notes (Paula – Tibo)

Speaking exercise

I am being in SH around 10 years. I am working in the consulting firm and work with expert network industry. already married.
anything you want to know me.
Actually we are not typically consulting firm . are clients are like the huge funds. PE and strategy consulting so when they are deliver some project and they want to know some industry knowledge they send request to us and we will contact the industry expert and contact to them.
I work on the consulting team in charge of greater china consulting.
our facing the expert side is the whole industry experts. It is most focused on the china but issue is it is a global firm so we have the same team in US and Europe.
I didn’t need English for clients but most internal communication like the communication with Europe and US consulting managers.
For me most case it is internal communication.
In mainland china with only speak Chinese but HK clients you should speak English.
My big issue is at the moment I report to our manager is in US. Sometimes I cant clearly to explain my ideas inside something to her so she encourages me to take some lessons.
most issues is because my leader would like to me join global coordinator work but when we in the meetings sometimes I cant to speak out.

we are headquarters in London.
It is big barrier for me because a lot of colleagues are sometimes India and Korean Japan. Someone is in London and outside of London it is different.
US is struggling as well because sometimes he miss some words and they speak is very fast.

I didn’t learn much English in before. I learned in the company but my boss don’t think it well because sometimes I didn’t same some kindly work.
Like I say the one is didn’t do.
this part I can’t awareness

In my role at the moment I am in charge of the new joiners I should training them.
We should to use English to present
I will prepare a lot of the time and do the smart way like I read and I include some workshop and discussion session.
Sometimes I hardly to explain to people when I ask the question. If I prepare I can read but the people always ask you deeper.
sometimes we need to apply global directive but tell them why it could different here

My leader is quite well, she wants me to speak more during the meeting but when I speak the others quiet so she wants me to improve and empower my situation.

I have been working in SH for around 10 years. I am working in a consulting firm and work with the expert network industry. I am already married.
anything you want to know about me.
Actually we are not a typical consulting firm . our clients are like the hedge funds. PE and strategy consulting so when they work on some project and they want to know some industry knowledge/ they want to get some knowledge/ an insight  they send requests to us and we will contact the industry expert and connect them. / put them in touch. Set a meeting between them
I work on the consulting team in charge of greater china consulting.

When facing the expert side it can be from any industry.
It is most focused on the great china but the issue is it is a global firm so we have the same team in US and Europe.  / we are counterparts in the US and Europe
I didn’t need English for clients but most internal communication like the communication with Europe and US consulting managers is in English
in most case it is internal communication.
In mainland China we only speak in Chinese but with HK clients you should speak (in) English.
My big issue is at the moment I report to our manager is in the US. Sometimes I can’t clearly explain my ideas to her so she encouraged me to take some lessons.
most issues is because my leader would like me to join the global coordinator work but when we are in the meetings sometimes I can’t speak out.

we are headquartered (v) in London. / our headquarters (n) are in London
It is big barrier for me because a lot of colleagues are from India and Korea and Japan. When someone is in London and outside of London  the accent is different.
I am struggling to understand the US accent as well because sometimes my boss misses some words and they speak is very fast.

I didn’t learn much English before. I learned in the company/ I learned on the job but my boss doesn’t  think it is good enough because sometimes I use the wrongs words and hurt people  / I may appear to tough / aggressive with my words
Like when I say someone didn’t do his work / like when I talk about responsibility
this part I am not well aware  / I don’t have a good awareness

In my role at the moment I am in charge of the new joiners I should train them.
We should use English to present  / present in English
I will prepare a lot of the time and do the smart way like I read and I include some workshop and discussion session.
Sometimes I hardly explain to people when they ask the question. If I prepare I can read but the people always ask you deeper questions.
sometimes we need to apply global directive but tell them why it could be different here

My leader is quite good, she wants me to speak more during the meeting but when I speak the others stay quiet so she wants me to improve and empower my situation.


want someone to do something
I want Tom to finish the report today
My boss wants me to speak more during meetings

for + time (duration)
I have been working in this company for 10 years

using a/the:

a/an : one among many/ non specific : usually used when you talk about something for the first time
the : this one in particular / specific : usually used to talk about something again or something specific

I went to a restaurant last night
the restaurant was in Jing an

I had a meeting with the team from Tokyo (specific)

should so something
I should train them
you should work harder

in + language used
We talk in English during meetings
I discuss with clients in Chinese

can+v / can’t + v
I can swim
I can’t explain very well

something is good
my English is not good enough

do something well
He presents very well
I don’t speak English well enough



counterpart (n) : someone doing the same thing
I have a counterpart in the US and in Europe

to omit  (v): not say/write  / forget to do something
he often omits some words
We omitted something important on the contract and had to rewrite a new one.

omission (n)
We are delayed because of an omission




college (university)

colleagues (col ig z) : work mates

