Demo Class Notes (Elizabeth – Tibo)

Speaking exercise

I like read pro and project
I read a little
I read 2 maybe 3.
real books because I don’t like see phone.
bad for the eyes.
In pingan bank in Lujiazui.
I am a banker.
I like England.
I want to go to London and Kent.
London very beautiful.
Talk to customers.
They ask…
Just reading , listening sometimes
Write to customer on paper
Improve English for work and reading.

The hobbit and lord of the rings

I like the movie. I help me understand book.

I like to read / I like reading the hobbit
I read 2 maybe 3 books a month
I like/prefer real books because I don’t like read on the phone because it is bad for the eyes. / I don’t like to read on a screen it is bad for my eyes
I work in pingan bank in Lujiazui.
I am a bank teller.
I like England.
I want to go to London and Kent because I feel/ I believe/ I find London very beautiful.
I talk to customers.They ask me questions about their account. They ask me to do transfers or they want to borrow money and take loans
My reading in English is better. My listening sometimes I don’t understand.
I write to customer on paper.
I want to improve my English for work and reading.

I read the hobbit and the lord of the rings
I like the movie, it helps me understand the book. / after watching the movie I understood the book better.


stress (n) 压力
I have a lot of stress at the bank

stressed (adj)
I am stressed

business  (n)业务
They had some business at the bank

pronunciation (n) 发音
I need to improve my pronunciation

Review (v) 复习
I review some English classes

sentence (n) 句子
Making sentences in English is hard.

vocabulary (n) 词汇
My English vocabulary is too small

to understand (v) understand (present ) / understood (past)
I understood the question.

to improve (v) make better 提高
I want to improve my English

improvement (n)改善
I saw an improvement after studying English for a few months

to borrow (v) 借
He borrowed money to buy a house

to lend (v)借出
We lend money to our customers

loan (n) 借款
The customer took a loan at Pingan Bank

transfer (n) 转让
Tom went to the bank to do a transfer

account (n) 账户
I want to open a bank account in Pingan Bank

to search (v) 找
I searched for my phone but I couldn’t find it. I lost my phone

to find (v) 找到 /发觉
I found my phone, it was in my pocket
I find Shanghai beautiful in Autumn.

bank teller (n) 银行柜员
I am a bank teller and I work in Lujiazui.

character (n) someone in a book/movie 人组
My favorite character is a hobbit

to prefer (v) 更喜欢
I prefer to read real books because iPads are bad for the eyes

description (n)描述
There are long descriptions in the book

to describe (v)
the customer described the problem

foreign (adj) 外国的
I talk to foreign customers in English

trilogy (n) : a series of 3 三部曲
The lord of the ring is a trilogy

customer/client (n) 客户
I see about 300 customers a day


frequency / amount time unit
I go to BJ 3 times a month
I read 2 books a month
I see 300 customers a day
I go to GZ once per year
I go to work 5 days per week
I go to see my cousin once a month

one time = once
two times = twice

like to + V
I like to read

Like + Ving
I like reading



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