Demo Class Notes (Derrick – Phil)


– needs to focus on speaking as he may need to speak with clients in the future. Currently uses software to help with writing emails so doesn’t need to focus on this in class. Improving vocabulary in speaking is the current priority. 

Listening: 4
Speaking: 2.75
Pronunciation: 3
Writing: 3
1 year

推荐课程(每周)/ Your Recommended Course (Weekly)

F2F: 2

Writing: 1-2

Thank you for coming to meet us! It was really lovely meeting you. If you have any questions about the notes or anything, please just ask us. 🙂
Jesse & Judy


career – your job life

Multi national company – a company that is in multiple countries

production line – at a factory

close relationship < > distant relationship

strict – like to control a lot
eg. he is a very strict boss

pressure – ya li
eg. I have a lot of pressure in my life

Client – Customer who you have a long term relationship with
eg. my clients all really like me

conservative – people who don’t like change and new things
eg. Trump is a conservative leader

territory – land
eg. Hong kong was British territory until 1997

mentality – how people think
eg. I have a really positive mentality when it comes to my job

i get my own money – I earn my own money


I have ever worked – I have worked

in my childin my childhood

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