Demo Class Notes 5th June (Zhang Zhen Hao / Jesse)

Shelly / Shell / Michelle / Sunny / Sam / Sammy

10 am I wake up, 10:30 i have lunch, 11:30 I go to work, my father used a scooter take me go to work. Go to office, first, then I made some excel, because my boss tell me made it. I made it maybe 30 minutes.

At 10 am, I woke up, and then at 10:30 i had lunch. At 11:30 I went to work. My father used a scooter to take me to work. When I arrived at work, first I made some excel spreadsheets, because my boss told me to make it. I made it for maybe 30 minutes.




am telling
will tell
I told

I go to work to work on my work.
i go to my office to work on my excel / ppt / reports

work < > home
eg. I’m at work. I’m at home.

I come here to study English / I come here because of English / I come here because I want to study English.

take me somewhere / take me to a place – 送我去公司


grammar – chinglish

past tense – guo qu shi

Pronunciation – ying biao – bottom half