Demo Class Notes (Marcelo – Jesse)


Go to Raw & Beer lady! Write about your experiences. Check that you didn’t make the same mistakes that we corrected today.



at – point
eg. I look at you / I am at work
to – distance
eg. I go to work / I am different to you
on – surface
eg. I walk on the beach / I put cream on my face
from – very distance
eg. I am different from you / I come from Australia
for – noun (reason)
eg. I bought a cake for you / Apples are good for you
to – 2 verbs connected
eg. I want to go home

Speaking exercise

i spent a kind of a month there, working… – I spent most of the month / part of a month / about a month / less than a month 

we’ve been a very beautiful beach – we’ve been at / on / to a very beautiful beach

apart of that i’ve been working in brazil – apart from that / except for that

i’m able to visiting – I’m able to visit 

i’m working a bank, so i have to mitigate… – I’m working at / in a bank

ride group – riding / cycling / biking group

really like – I do like / I’m really into it / I’m a big fan of it / it’s amazing to me 

we’ve been me and my wife trying to visit some restaurants – my wife and I have been visiting / we’ve been, by we I mean my wife and i, have been visiting… 

My company, and by my company, I mean Smart English, has been very successful.

and that period i had the opportunity – and for that period / in that period

it was one of my stops – the places I visited on my trip

my English was best than nowadays – better 

not to double check always – not to always double check


character – KAR rack ter


Jackie loves the news. She listens to the news on the radio. She watches the news on TV. She reads the news in the newspaper. She reads the news in magazines. She loves the news because it is always new. It is always fresh. It is always interesting.