Demo Class Notes (Lily Z – Jesse)

Speaking exercise

i like to go some small town without many people because i like the peace. i want to share the trip to the xi tang old town. i met a couple and the couple is very enthusiastic. They chat with me and invite me to eat with them and they talk about some interesting topics about their stories, about the loving. there were many cats because the owner like cats… I can’t figure out their emotion but dog is more relaxing.

i like to go to / like going to / I enjoy going to / I’m fond of going to / I’m a big fan of going to / I’m into going to some small towns without many people / places that aren’t too crowded because / since / for / due to the fact that / as i like the feeling of peace / peaceful places. i want to share my experience about / of / regarding the trip to the xi tang old town. i met a couple who was very enthusiastic. They chatted with me and invited me to eat with them and they talked about some interesting topics about their relationship / how they met. There were many cats because the owner liked cats… I can’t figure out their emotion but dogs are more relaxing.


to do – reason
go to – from a place to a place

how to say?how do you say?


As / Due to the fact that I understand dogs, I feel like I should get a dog rather than a cat.

We had a meeting regarding the problem we discussed yesterday.

it need just 1 year – it takes just 1 year 

you spend time / it takes time
you spend money / it costs money

masters – after bachelor (5-7 years)
bachelors – 3-4 years

post graduate = masters