Demo Class Notes (Jenny W – Jesse)

Speaking exercise

I wake up at 5:30 because I take my son to school at 7:30. I eat my breakfast and I make up for 1 hour. I make breakfast for my mother and my son, which was milk and cheese bread.

I wake up at 5:30 because I take my son to school at 7:30. I eat my breakfast and I put on / do my make up for 1 hour. I make breakfast for my mother and my son, which is milk and cheese bread.


wake / woke / woken
take / took / taken
eat / ate / eaten
do / did / done
make / made/ made

which / with

I have a computer which is Apple. = I have a computer. It is Apple.
I had a class which was fun
I had a class which I do every day

I talk with you
I have class with you.


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