Demo Class Notes 14th September (Jesse / Paul)


i came here for eddison chen and i go to his shop in zhulu road, just for his autograph and we shook hands and we face to face, it’s exciting. just say you are very handsome because i was young, 17 years old.

9am i wake up and have breakfast, baozi and 13 oclock i have lunch chicken, tomoto and have a rest i come here. 

i came here to meet Edison Chen and i went to his shop in julu road, just for his autograph. We shook hands and we met face to face which was exciting. I just said “you are very handsome” because i was 17 years old, which is very young

At 9am i woke up and had breakfast, which was baozi and at 1pm i had lunch which was chicken and / with tomatoes and had a rest and then i came here. 

said = “sed”

ranhou = and then

autograph = famous person writes name

shake hands = wo shou 

which = let’s you describe something you just said

At time
On Monday I went to work.
In January
In 2016

wake / woke / woken
meet / met / met
shake / shook / shaken 

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