Class 9 [Picnic / Basket / Sandwiches / Tasty / Fold]


picnic n.– to prepare a basket or bag of food and go outside and eat it with friends or family at a park

eg. It is beautiful outside today. Let’s go on a picnic!

basket n. – like a container or box usually made out of grass, straw, or wood

eg. We put fresh fruit, vegetables, salad and water in the basket.

sandwich n. – two or more slices of bread with meat, fish, or cheese in the middle

eg. Jesse wants a ham sandwich and Judy wants a cheese sandwich.

tasty adj. – good tasting

eg. This durian ice cream is tasty!

fold / folding / folded / will fold v. – to bend something on itself

eg. Please fold the clothes and put them in your closet.


