Class 6 [Go Out / Get Ready / Hang Out / Pissed Off / Big Deal]


go out / going out / went out / will go out– to date sb

eg. Rachel and Ross have been going out for 1 month.

eg. They went out last year but they broke up.

get ready / getting ready / got ready / will get ready – to prepare for sth

eg. Let’s get ready to go to the gym.

hang out / hanging out / hung out / will hang out – to spend time with sb

eg. I want to hang out with my friends on the weekends.

eg. We hung out at the mall yesterday.

pissed off – unhappy or angry

eg. I’m pissed off that my friends cancelled on me.

eg. I’m pissed off because Olivia made a mess in the house after I just cleaned it.

big deal – when sth is very important

eg. Your wedding anniversary is a big deal.

eg. If you forget Olivia’s birthday, I will be pissed off! Her birthday is a big deal!


