Class 24 [Restaurant / Café / Cafeteria / Diner / Waiter]


Restaurant (n): 1-  a place where meals are prepared and served to customers
E.g.: Smoking is not allowed in this restaurant.

Café (n): 1- a restaurant where simple and usually quite cheap meals are served:
E.g.: There’s a little café on the corner that serves very good coffee.

Cafeteria (n): 1- a restaurant (often in a factory, a college, or an office building) where people collect food and drink from a serving area and take it to a table themselves after paying for it. 2- 自助餐馆
E.g.: The students have lunch in the cafeteria.

Diner  (n): 1- in the US, a small informal and inexpensive restaurant, often at the side of the road.
E.g.: When we went to LA, we stopped at a diner near the highway.

Server (n): 1- a person whose job is to bring the food to customers at their tables in a restaurant.
E.g.: I raised my hand and asked the server for the menu.
