Class 2 [Hibernate, Break the ice, Chatter box, Selfie Stick]


to hibernate (v) = to go into a state of deep sleep for a prolonged period of time
eg. during winter I like to hibernate as it’s too cold to go out and do anything

addictive (adj)= when you cant get enough of something
eg : Im addicted to sweet food
eg2. Coffee is very addictive

chatter box (adj)= sb who talks a lot
eg. he’s such a chatter box!

to break the ice

drone camera (n) = a device that can fly and be controlled remotely, and is used to take photos/videos from hight

selfie stick (n) = a long pole that is used to attach to mobile phones and make taking selfies more convenient

send a message back / reply to a message
eg. When I woke up this morning I had a message from my boss so I replied to it immediately

to come to a realisation
eg. I came to a realisation last night about my life… I need to quit my job and go travelling…


