Class 13 [Sporty / Stuff Like That / Look It Up / Violence / Getting Sick Of / Ridiculous]


sporty adj. – when sb or sth does sports or exercise

eg: My friend is very sporty. She plays basketball, soccer, and volleyball!

stuff like that – other similar things

eg. I like to go hiking, camping, rock climbing and stuff like that.

look it up – to search for sth in a book, dictionary, on the internet…

eg. I didn’t know the meaning of “violence”, so I looked it up in the dictionary.

violence – rough or injurious physical force, action, or treatment

eg. I don’t like to watch movies with violence because I don’t like to see people get hurt.

getting a little sick of sth/sb = getting tired of sth/sb

eg: I’m getting a little sick of the traffic in Shanghai.

ridiculous adj. – absurd / Slang. absurdly or unbelievably good, bad, crazy, etc

eg. When I was a kid, my teacher gave me a ridiculous amount of homework everyday!


