VIP Class Notes (Kyle) [W]

Needs more review

Activities such as at school / math class is easy / playing football is fun/  and progressive past tense “I have been learning math / playing football.”

2nd Homework: Study more English words then go to sleep  🙂

Kyle and Athena have a short introduction.

Athena, are you vegetarian? Yes, Kyle, I am a vegetarian 😀 And I don’t like tofu.

Vegetarian = a person who doesn’t eat MEAT or FISH or any ANIMALS.

Archery= to shoot arrows with a Bow.       -#——-> eg. Kyle likes archery.

Arrows= used for pointing a direction

Catching fish/fishing: Is it common to go fishing in Shanghai? Maybe.

to calculate (verb) : to make the numbers work together

Needs more review

calculator – cal cu la tor (noun, thing)

— to calculate

translate – trans late

memorise / memorize – mem mor ize



Nouns: person, place or thing. Athena, what is a NOUN? A noun is person, place or a thing.

Adjectives: Kyle is a smelly, old, smart, and silly man… Who is stupid? Nemo is stupid.

Jesse is funny. Judy is nice/smiley/happy/boss lady.

Writing exercise

Write 3 sentences about your best friend, describe them to me.

1 Alice is nice and she likes singing…

2 She is fat and short.

3 She is a happy and funny person.

Write 3 sentences about what you like to do for fun! Activities/games/sports/learning.

1 I like march / math class.

2 I like running. Maybe Athena likes exercise. Can you run 1km? 1km is very easy. Can you run 10km? Yes, I can… Kyle has run 16km before. How far did you run, Athena? Maybe 10km over one hour.

3 I like football….. Kick the ball with your foot… What is the purpose of football? Its fun and you can get some good exercise. ….

For how long have you been playing football? 1 hour. 4 hours. 30 minutes

I have been playing football for 4 years. When I was age 8, I started playing football.

Past Progressive tense: Subject + have + been + verb 

Nemo has been teaching for 8 years

Present progressive:

She is writing a letter.