Online Class Notes (Nemo)[W]


Write about a post from our WeChat Account. What is it about? What did you learn? Use your own words.



come into effect ( take effect)-to start working or being used:
E.g.: On April 1 new sales taxes will come into effect.
E.g.: The new credit regulations will take effect next year.

consult (v): 1-to get information or advice from a person, book, etc. with special knowledge on a particular subject:
E.g.: If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor.
E.g.: I’m not quite sure how to get there – I’d better consult a map.

take sth into account (take account of sth): 顾及; 重视,考虑to consider or remember something when judging a situation:
E.g.: I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.
E.g.: A good architect takes into account the building’s surroundings.
E.g.: I think you have to take into account that he’s a good deal younger than the rest of us.

New Year’s resolution新年决心;新年打算
If you make a New Year’s resolution, you make a decision at the beginning of a year to start doing something or to stop doing something.
E.g.: She made a New Year’s resolution to get fit.-她的新年决心是要保持身材健美。

insomnia (n): 1-the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time:
E.g.: Holly suffered from insomnia caused by stress at work.

Writing exercise

Dear All

Performance management program of 2019 has started. Please set up your objectives and communicate with your line before March 31.
Objective setting need to observe following “SMART” rules: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely.
All the employees need to do this and who join us before 31st March 2019 will have a middle year performance evaluation on July.

Best Regards,
Joan Chen

Dear All

I would like to remind you that Performance management program of 2019 has come into effect. Please set up your objectives and consult with your supervisors before March 31.
Objective setting needs to take into account following “SMART” rules: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely.
All the employees need to do this and everyone who joins us before 31st March 2019 will have a mid year performance evaluation in July.

Best Regards,
Joan Chen