F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S/R]

Speaking exercise

Five years ago, I was determined to get undergraduate degree in Shanghai Dianda University. This is one thing I was determined to do. Two years ago, I get the degree. In the beginning, there were fourteen students. when I graduated, there was only 6 students. It was hard, because we had two work everyday, we had to go to school twice every week at night. I have to go on Saturday or Sunday. It wasn’t four years, it was one half and two years. I think I was a bad student, when I was in college, I was teenager, so I didn’t get a good grade when I graduated. I played football everyday and played games, so I didn’t have time to study.


Five years ago, I was determined to get an undergraduate degree in Shanghai Dianda University. This was the one thing I was determined to do. Two years ago, I got the degree. In the beginning, there were fourteen students, by the time I graduated, there were only 6 students left. It was hard, because we had to work everyday, and we had to go to school twice a week at night. I had to go on Saturdays or Sundays too. It took me two and half years/ 2.5 years to finish school. I think I was a bad student, when I was in college, I was a teenager, so I didn’t get a good grade when I graduated. I played football and played games everyday, so I didn’t have enough time to study.


A new study shows that some poor people in Hong Kong live in tiny homes. Residents from a housing alliance found that 204 families in their area live in homes that are smaller than prison cells. The families live in the Kwai Chung area of Hong Kong. The average living space per person was just 4.6 square meters. This is roughly the size of three toilet cubicles, or about half the size of a car parking space. The average size of a prison cell for Hong Kong’s maximum security prisoners is about 50 per cent bigger than the size of the Kwai Chung homes


area= A rea

square= s guare

squeak= s gueak

roughly= rouf LEE ** all ly- sounds like LEE

when= w an

where=w air

whale= w ale

will= w ill

st- sd sound

student= sdu dent, stunt= s dunt, store= s dore, start= s dart, stove= s dove, stir= s dir


show= sho,

tow, crow,