3 Month Review (Jesse)

Former Writing

I had a great evening last night. I was invited my British friend to had a dinner in my apartment. My cousin cooked all the Chinese dishes, and I made Thai food, just one dish that I used mango, coconut and shrimp. All the foods are amazing, the British guy can’t stop to gave us thumb up always. We were talking and laughing because

Current Writing

I went to The Shanghai Vancouver Film School to joined their Halloween party on last Sunday. If you wanna join the party you had to totally dress up in a Halloween custom. The Film School has professional major for the movie characters’s make up, so they almost can be any characters you wanna see. I was dressed up like Joker which is from the super popular movie “Suicide squad†recently. I love the Joker so much cause I think he is so cool.

Former Speaking

last month i go thailand with my sister and my aunt. we go thaialnd eat some amazing thai food and swimming in the ocean and we shopping a lot of things. and we look so much, too many things. the local thai food is more spicy than the chinese thai food. 

Current Speaking

last night i had dinner with Celeste, i think we become very good friend because we had a lot of common and favourite things. we both love beyonce and we both crazy for her. last night we went to a restaurant which is her husband work at and she showed me some really good dishes and beer and we talked about so many things like recently I have some problems with my personality so I just told Celeste. We had a lot of fun. 

I have had some personal problem = si ji de shi qing 

I have had some problems with my personality = you’re a bit sick / troubled so maybe need to talk to psychologist 

Recently I have been / gone / travelled to Australia 

to did = wrong
to do = right

did = went = had
do = go = haveÂ