2x F2F Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:


Next Class Focus

bring the reference letter
more about defi

Today we focused on:

crypto NFT : look into opensea / rarible / crypto kitties

UTXO (bitcoin model)

interoperability though pegged tokens (Wbtc / RENbtc) (BTC – ETH) (you can also check Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Interoperable blockchains : Polkadot / Cosmos…

gas price on ethereum : https://ethgasstation.info

block explorer ethererum : https://etherscan.io

defi : decentralized finance, check  https://defipulse.com


arbitrage (n) buying and selling on different markets to gain with small price differences
There is an arbitrage opportunity because it is sold at $5 here but you can buy it at $4.95 there

arbitrageur (n) someone doing an arbitrage
Arbitrageurs can use AAVE and flash loans to boost their gains

stable coin : coin trying to keep a stable value with fiat currency
USDT / USDC /DAI / VAI are stable coins that try to be equal to 1 dollar.

anonymous (n): unknown
The creator of bitcoin is anonymous

blockchain explorer : portal to check data on the blockchain
Etherscan is the blockchain explorer for ethereum

fungible (adj): replaceable
money is fungible no matter which note you have what matters is their face value is the same

non fungible (adj) : not replaceable
Art is non fungible on the original has value