2F2F Class Notes (Li)[S]


National Holiday – 国庆

path – small road for you to walk

pregnant – to be having a baby

eg. She has been pregnant for 5 months.

hold/have the wedding

last/previous generation – 上一代


it’s a requirement/necessary 

jam – strawberry jam

traffic jam – stuck in traffic

consider – think about

eg. Many people will consider the price when renting a house.


age – 1 year old/2 years old/ 10 years old

scenery – view

original – the first one/the one before

we travel in a tour group 

taxi meter – 表

eg. Some taxi drivers will offer to not put on the meter for a cheaper price.

catch – caught 

get away with sth – to not get caught for sth you do (usually bad)

eg. He got away with killing his roommate.

shout – to speak very loudly

eg. I could hear the couple shouting at each other angrily on the street.

lost track of time – to not realise what time is it

eg. They lost track of time while working in the evening.

port – where ships park when they arrive at a place

appear – to show up

eg. He appeared after several hours when everyone thought that he went missing.

passer-by – sbd who walks past you


at – time/age

ex. at 6 o’clock/at 28 years old

comparative – for comparing 2 items

ex. A is cheaper than B

superlative – for only 1 item

ex. A is the biggest

Speaking exercise

National Holiday is a lot of people to go out. There will be a lot of traffic stuck.

Near her house there is a mountain. There are lot of view half way of mountain. A lot people will have tea in that area. There is a temple.

Maybe will early than SH or HK. But, these days is later.

In my plan, I thought I will get married in 30 years old.

One girl is younger 1 years old and other one is younger by more than 10 years old.

We plan work in SH for a few but we plan to look at the situation.

But, normal we will get off work on time.

we will order the taxi


On the National Holidays, a lot of/many people want to go out/travel. There will be a big traffic jam 

There is a mountain nearby her house. There is a good view/scenery halfway of the mountain. A lot of people will have tea over there. There is also a temple.

Maybe (people will get married) earlier than in SH or HK. But, these days it’s later.

In my original plan, I thought I will get married at 30 years old.

One girl is younger than her by 1 year old and the other one is younger than her by more than 10 years old.

We plan to work in SH for a few years, but we will consider our situation/finances in the future. 

But, normally/usually, we will get off work on time.

We will book a taxi