2 VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1. learn= 学习
ex: Sherry is here to learn English.
ex: Lily wants to learn drawing.
ex: My mother learns how to drive a car.

2. lay egg= 下蛋
ex: Hens can lay eggs.

3. hatch= 孵化🐣
ex: The eggs are ready to hatch.
ex: The egg will hatch in 2 days.

4. born= 出生
ex: I am born in Canada.
ex: I am born in China.

5. soak= 浸湿
ex: It’s raining today, I am soaked!

6. wring out= 拧干
ex: You need to wring out the water before you hang it.

7. rest of the XX= 剩下的XX
ex: can you finish the rest of the food? 你能吃完剩下的食物吗?
ex: I can’t finish the rest of the homework.

8. catch=抓
ex: the two bad men want to catch Kevin.

9. hotel (noun)= 酒店🏨
ex: Kevin lives in the hotel by himself.
ex: Kevin lives in the hotel in New York


Dear Ned,

How are you? I have been learning all about hens and chicks. Did you know that chickens are birds? Hen lay eggs and sit on them to warm them. A baby chick grows inside the egg. Then the chick pecks at the shell when it is ready to hatch. Pop! A new baby chick is born.

Your friend, Harry.

Draw a green line in the middle of the egg. Draw three circles above the green line. Colour them blue. Draw two stars below the green line. Colour them yellow. Draw a purple line near the bottom of the egg. Colour the rest of the egg in your favorite color.